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169 Parrock Street Gravesend Kent DA12 1ER

Gravesend Area Guide

Living in Gravesend

Gravesend, a town steeped in history and nestled along the picturesque River Thames in northwest Kent, offers a delightful living experience. Boasting a rich cultural heritage with landmarks like the Town Pier and St. George’s Church, the town combines historical charm with modern amenities. Its excellent transportation links, including a well-connected railway station and proximity to the M25 motorway, make Gravesend highly accessible.

Residents enjoy the scenic beauty of the River Thames and a diverse community that contributes to the town’s vibrant atmosphere. Gravesend provides a range of amenities, from shopping areas to recreational facilities, catering to the needs of its residents. With a mix of housing options and a variety of local schools, Gravesend is an attractive choice for those seeking a welcoming community with a touch of history and a riverside lifestyle.

Gravesend Area Guide
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£383 per Square Foot
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293 Properties Sold
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